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Wings for Life World Run: Casinos Austria is a reliable partner

Wings for Life World Run 2022 Casinos Austria Riesen-Bogen
Casinos Austria supports the world’s biggest running event, made visible among other things with the lucky 13th kilometre at the Flagship Run in Vienna.

All entry fees and donations from the event will benefit spinal cord research. Entertaining casino games with attractive prizes will be waiting for you in the Casino Area on the Rathausplatz.

The Wings for Life World Run is unlike any other race. It all revolves around the motto “Running for those who can’t do it themselves”, and the proceeds from all entry fees and donations worldwide will go towards spinal cord research. Since its inception in 2014, the run has raised over 38 million euros.

The run itself is also unique, starting at the same time worldwide on May 7. The runners all start at the organised Flagship Runs and tackle the same route, but there is no fixed finish line and no set running distance. The competitors’ run is finished when the Catcher Car catches up with them. The individual runs with the Wings for Life World Run App also work according to this principle – but in this case, the Catcher Car takes up the chase virtually.

As in 2022, Casinos Austria is a sponsor of the Wings for Life World Run in Vienna. Accepting social responsibility is an integral part of our corporate culture, which is why Casinos Austria has already extended its sponsorship commitment to this important initiative until 2025. Our own employees will participate in the event, and over 50 runners from the head office and the casinos will be found at the starting line. More than 20 volunteers from the Group support the event through the company’s internal corporate volunteering programme.

“Our vision is to make people happy. Sometimes in small ways, sometimes with a big win, quite often simply by spending a relaxing evening in one of our casinos. In all of this, of course we’re aware that happiness is a very individual feeling. Getting back to health is probably one of the greatest gifts, but it also often involves extensive research and it’s great that there are events like this that provide hope for recovery. As a dedicated sponsor, we’re very happy to contribute to the success of the event in multiple ways, and we’re pleased that we can create additional small moments of happiness with our core competence, the games themselves. We do all this to make it an event where everyone wins and everyone can be healthy and happy again,” says Erwin van Lambaart, General Director of Casinos Austria.

At the Flagship Run in Vienna, the company’s commitment is reflected in a very special way. Casinos Austria is designating the 13th kilometre of the running course – from the Friedensbrücke bridge along the Danube Canal into the city – as the lucky kilometre, and corresponding branding will accompany the runners part of the way. After completing the run, all participants will receive their personal photo of the 13th kilometre and a voucher for their next visit to the casino as an individual “moment of happiness”.

Casinos Austria also strives to be “best in class” in the entertainment sector. That’s why part of the Rathausplatz around the Vienna Flagship Run will be turned into a “Casino Area” for two days. Guests will be able to play three kinds of exciting games: in addition to the popular giant roulette and speed poker games, you can swap roles and try out your skills as a croupier in the “Croupier Challenge”. Casino vouchers and merchandising items can be won as prizes in all games. Players can also win the main prize on the giant roulette wheel: a lucky weekend in Salzburg for two people including two nights’ accommodation, a guided tour of Hangar-7 and dinner in the award-winning “Ikarus” restaurant, as well as welcome chips for an entertaining visit to Casino Salzburg. The draw will take place in the “Casino Area” on Sunday, May 7 at 10:50 am.

The Casino Area will be open Saturday, May 6 from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm and Sunday, May 7 from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Additional information can be found at