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Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR Strategy

“Gaming with responsibility” is the guiding principle of all of our business activities. Thus social responsibility at the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group extends much further than player protection or responsible gaming. It encompasses the entire spectrum of economic, ecological and social responsibility toward society along the value chain. We aim to be “best in class” in this regard.

To give our commitment a professional framework, we have developed a CSR management system in accordance with Austrian CSR standard ONR 192500. The effectiveness of the management system has been reviewed by Austrian Standards.

Blatt mit Wassertropfen
Blick in Baumkronen im Sonnenschein

The CSR department is responsible for the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group’s CSR management system. With the exception of our international business activities, it extends to all of our business units and helps them to adhere to the seven principles of cor­porate social responsibility:

Respect for stakeholders and interest groups

The concerns and interests of our stakeholders are important to us. But it is also im­portant to us that our stakeholders know and accept our values. This is only possible if we listen intently to their expectations and demands. In the process, we adopt a dia­logue-based approach. (This includes inviting them to participate in a regular Stake­holder Dialogue event during our annual Responsible Gaming Academy conference).


We have been publishing CSR reports and organising internal and external CSR infor­mation events for many years, thus communicating and providing information on our commitment to CSR. We will continue to do this in the future, ensuring at the same time that we remain focused and transparent.

Respect for international standards of conduct

Our commitment to corporate social responsibility is guided by international standards of conduct. We are committed to the UN Global Compact and its principles in the fields of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. We are an active member of the Austrian Global Compact network through our membership of respACT, Austria’s leading platform for CSR and sustainable development. Our CSR strategy is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.


We are fully aware that our decisions and actions impact society, the environment and the economy. To avoid any adverse effects and increase our positive impact, we have defined corresponding goals and measures in our comprehensive CSR strategy. This strategy is evaluated and adapted at regular intervals to ensure that it is continually improved and remains in line with the precautionary principle.

Respect for the rule of law

We respect justice and the law and strive to abide by the rules on all levels and in all our activities. To this end, we have implemented a comprehensive compliance management system.

Respect for human rights

Our Group’s code of conduct accords special emphasis to respect for human rights. We are committed to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and have implemented corresponding internal and external measures to respect them.

Ethical conduct

We strive to conduct ourselves in an ethical manner at all times and in all that we do. Our Group’s code of conduct, internal guidelines (e.g. for procurement activities) and CSR strategy underpin our core values.

Best in class for people, gaming and the environment

At the Casinos Austria and Austrian Lotteries Group, CSR means conducting all our busi­ness activities in a sustainable manner that goes beyond our legal obligations and making responsibility to society a core principle in all that we do. Our CSR strategy demonstrates what we do to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Develop­ment Goals (SDGs).

This CSR strategy of Casinos Austria and the Austrian Lotteries focuses on three particular areas, each with its own two fields of action. These fields of action are closely linked to specific SDGs and indicate those goals to which our Group can make a specific and valid contribution.

CSR Partnerships

As part of our social responsibility, we are committed to promoting sustainable development in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals. In the scope of this, we address the ecological, social and economic impacts of our activities. Of significant importance is the promotion and support of Austrian tourism as well as socio-political concerns, particularly in the areas of social affairs, sports and culture. For this reason, we form CSR partnerships in which our role is as a strong partner rather than a mere sponsor.

Corporate Volunteering

5 working days for social engagement

In 2013 we launched a corporate volunteering programme for all of our Group’s staff Austria-wide. Corporate volunteering gives staff members the opportunity provide support on behalf of their employer in a non-profit social context with a view to making a contribution to social causes in Austria. Our aim is to provide support to organisations in the social environment in Austria by making it possible for our employees to do voluntary work – after all, helping hands are needed everywhere. Over 700 employees have already taken advantage of this offer and worked for organisations such as Caritas, Hilfswerk, Lebenshilfe, Soma, Wiener Tafel und the Austrian Red Cross. What matters is personal initiative. In the scope of corporate volunteering, employees can take action themselves and advocate for important causes. They also have the chance to recommend projects and organisations that are important to them and which they would like to support.

Thorsten Leitgeb CSR Beauftragter Casinos Austria und Österreichische Lotterien

Thorsten Leitgeb

Expert Corporate Social Responsibility

Casinos Austria AG
Rennweg 44
1038, Wien