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Happy Moments

An initiative in cooperation with the Austrian Cancer Aid

Casinos austria makes it possible for people suffering from cancer to take a little time out with many happy moments.

Ever since Casinos Austria was founded, it has been a matter of course for the company to be committed above all to humanitarian and social causes in and for Austria. This commitment also resulted in a long-standing partnership with the Austrian Cancer Aid, spanning a variety of campaigns and support for the “Pink Ribbon” and “Loose Tie” initiatives.

Glückliche Augenblicke für Krebspatient:innen

A free ticket contingent for cancer patients

If you want to heal the body, you also have to do something good for the soul.

A free ticket contingent is made available for cancer patients thanks to Casinos Austria’s cooperation and sponsorship partnerships with a wide range of institutions. These include the Burgtheater, the Bregenz Festival, the Vereinigte Bühnen Wien and the Beach Volleyball European Championships on Vienna’s Donauinsel in early August of 2023.

The tickets are offered by the Austrian Cancer Aid to cancer patients who are already receiving care, especially those who have experienced financial hardship as a result of their illness.

“Cancer takes a lot of strength. It’s very often difficult for those affected to switch off and not let their thoughts be constantly occupied by the disease,” says Monika Hartl, a spokesperson for cancer support counsellors. “That’s why it’s all the more gratifying that Casinos Austria offers those affected an opportunity to experience a wonderful time away from it all with the “Happy Moments” initiative. Especially during stressful phases in life, it’s immensely helpful to feel a sense of lightness through joyful moments and be able to gain strength, hope and confidence.”

Vorstandsmitglied Erwin van Lambaart

Erwin van Lambaart, General Director of Casinos Austria:

“A cancer diagnosis is always devastating. Apart from the physical challenges, the mental strain is immense. With this campaign, we want to give those affected by cancer a little time out featuring some happy moments so that they can, at least for a while, forget their worries and recharge their batteries.”

Since 1968, it has been a part of Casinos Austria’s inner conviction to be active in Austria and for Austria, and to support institutions, initiatives and projects that benefit people. Enabling, promoting and supporting socio-politically relevant concerns and initiatives is one of the company’s declared goals. The Casinos Austria world offers all adults exciting entertainment, serious gaming with player protection at the highest international level in a distinctive ambience. With their offerings, our twelve Austrian casinos are leading tourist enterprises and bring added value to many regions and thus contribute to value creation to an extent that goes far beyond their own turnover.

A big thank you to all partners

The Bregenz Festival, Burgtheater, the Vereinigte Bühnen Wien and the Beach Volleyball European Championships on Vienna’s Donauinsel are providing tickets for their events in 2023. The tickets are offered by the Austrian Cancer Aid to cancer patients who are already receiving care, especially those who have experienced financial hardship as a result of their illness.

Bühnenbild Bregenzer Festspiele 2022
Wiener Donauinsel Beach Volleyball EM
Wiener Burgtheater Außenansicht bei Tag mit Autos und Passanten
Raimund Theater Außenansicht bei Tag
Ronacher Außenansicht bei Tag

12 Casinos in Austria

Casinos Austria’s twelve casinos are situated in unique locations and offer a wide range of entertainment, featuring excitement at the roulette, black jack, and poker tables as well as a wide variety of slot machines.