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Poker at Casino Linz

There are no open poker tables in Casino Linz
Poke Close-up Dealerhände Jetons Pot

Poker Cash Game

Poker Cash Game: daily at Casino Linz – for more information, call 0732/65 44 87 – 17220 or +43 664 2606252.

Texas Hold'em No Limit:

  • Buy-in: € 100 | Blinds: 1/3
  • Buy-in: € 200 | Blinds: 2/5


  • Buy-in: € 300 | Blinds: 5/5


Cash Game Rules


As part of the Poker Cash Game offer, additional chips (up to € 500) can be won in the period from 1.1.2025 – 31.12.2025. 


Competition Tuesday Cash Game

Play Cash Game and take advantage of the chance to win 1,000 euros a month *) 

Your chances of winning

Competition Tuesday brings fun and chances to win for all poker fans and Cash Game newcomers.

Every Tuesday you can join the Competition Tuesday Cash Game promotion live at participating casinos*.

You can win 1,000 euros per month in value chips

divided among 3 winners drawn to the value of:

  1. Place: 500 euros
  2. Place: 300 euros and
  3. Place: 200 euros

*) Participating Casinos in Baden, Bregenz, Graz, Innsbruck, Linz, Salzburg, Seefeld, Velden and Vienna

Conditions of Participation
You can find more details about the Competition Tuesday Cash Game at the Conditions of Participation (available in German).


Poker Karten Flop und Jeton Pot
Pokerberich im Casino Linz
Außenansicht vom Casino Linz

More information about upcoming poker events

In addition to the cash game offers, Casino Linz also hosts a variety of poker tournaments on an ongoing basis. In the event calendar you can find all poker events at a glance:

Calendar of Poker Tournaments

Weekly Tournaments

Poker Karten Flop und Jeton Pot

Low Budget Monday

Every Monday at 7 p.m. - Texas Hold'em No Limit

Maximum tables: 5

• Buy-in: € 25 + € 5

• Unlimited rebuys until the end of level 6 | Starting Chips: 10,000 | 1 add-on between level 6 and level 7

• Early Bird Bonus: 2,000 tournament points for all players who participate in the tournament by the end of the first level

• Golden Chip Bonus: Claim your Golden Chip Bonus and receive 2,000 tournament points if you cash in the welcome chips before entering the tournament

• Level time: 15 min | Late entry until the end of level 4

• BOP rating for quarter finals

Donnerstagsturnier with bring your friend promotion

Our “Donnestagsturnier” takes place on the 13th, 20th and 27th march*

• Buy-in: € 50 + € 10

• Unlimited rebuys until the end of level 6 | Starting Chips: 15,000 | 1 add-on between level 6 and level 7

• Early Bird Bonus: 3,000 tournament points for all players who participate in the tournament by the end of the first level

• Golden Chip Bonus: Claim your Golden Chip Bonus and receive 3,000 tournament points if you cash in the welcome chips before entering the tournament

• Level time: 15 min | Late entry until the end of level 6

  • Maximum tables: 5

• BOP rating for quarter finals


GUARANTEE: € 2,000

Take a friend to the poker tournament on this day and the buy-in for the second person is free! Please note that the promotion can only be redeemed at the check-in on site and is only valid for the buy-in.


Poker Model Gruppe Turnier Jetons Pot


Every Saturday at 5 p.m. - Texas Hold'em No Limit

Maximum number of tables: 4

• Buy-in: € 100 + € 20

• Deep Stack Freezeout | Starting chips: 100,000

• Early Bird Bonus: 5,000 tournament points for all players who participate in the tournament by the end of the first level

• Golden Chip Bonus: Get your Golden Chip Bonus and receive 5,000 tournament points if you cash in the welcome chips before entering the tournament

• Level time: 15 min | Late entry | Re-entry until the end of level 10

• BOP rating for quarter finals

Mag. Peter Löb Poker Manager Casino Linz

Peter Löb

Poker Manager

Casino Linz
Rainerstraße 2-4
4020, Linz