General Rules
- Poker Manager / Tournament Management - For the Poker Manager and his/her representative, consideration of fairness and the best solution in the interest of the game has the highest priority. Situations that are not mentioned in these regulations will be decided by the management or their representative in an appropriate manner and taking into account the circumstances. In the interests of fairness, exceptional circumstances may mean that a rule is not interpreted in its true sense. The decisions of the Poker Manager or his/her representative are final.
- Player Responsibilities - Players are expected to confirm their seat assignment, protect their cards, clearly state their intentions, follow the course of the game, act when it is their turn to act, defend their right to act, ensure that their cards are visible, stack their chips properly, remain at the table during a hand, speak up when they notice a mistake, change tables immediately when asked to do so, follow a hand, respect and abide by the rules, and generally contribute to the orderly conduct of the game.
- Language at the table - Only German or English may be spoken during the play of a pot.
- Official terms - For the various actions, simple, unambiguous, internationally standard active announcements such as bet, raise, call, all-in (betting all chips), raise pot (only for pot-limit variants), complete or passive actions such as fold or check are to be used. The use of non-standard announcements or gestures is at the player's own risk, as this may lead to a decision that was not intended by the player. It is the player's responsibility to clearly state their intentions.
- Electronic devices - The use of mobile phones, tablets, laptops, other electronic devices or objects during the hand will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The player must leave the table to make phone calls. Each player may place various devices next to the table. However, the game may not be interrupted or disturbed under any circumstances. In principle, the tokens and cards of the guests must be visible to the other players and the staff at all times and the game must run smoothly. Filming and streaming is not permitted and must be authorized by the tournament management.
- At the seat - Each seat where a valid table stake is placed receives cards. If a player leaves his seat, he will receive cards in any case, but the blinds are automatically retained by the croupier. Even if the player is not seated for several rounds, the blinds are retained for as long as a valid table stake is in place. When a table is opened, the blinds are only retained by players who have already played a valid hand. Stacks that are not active can be removed. The hand of a player who is not seated at the end of the deal is invalid.
- Pot size - In No Limit variants, the croupier does not provide information about the size of the pot at any time.
Indivisible chips - All bets placed must be divisible by the ante or small blind and can be placed in all valid Casinos Austria chips. Exception: In the 2/5 limit, all bets placed must be divisible by the big blind.
The player will be reimbursed for any resulting spike. If a pot has to be split between two or more players due to the equal value of the hands, in Texas Hold'em and Omaha the player sitting closest to the button in the betting order receives the non-divisible chip. In Seven Card Stud, the top hand goes to the player with the highest card (including suit priority) in their hand. A pot is only split up to the amount of the small blind or the ante.
Misdeal - A misdeal occurs when:
a.) Two or more additional cards have been dealt,
b.) No cards have been dealt to a player,
c.) The first or second card has been turned up, If two or more active actions (bet, call, raise, re-raise, all-in,...) have already been made by the time the mistake is realized, the faulty hand is declared invalid and the game continues as normal. A game can no longer be declared void after the flop.
- Unprotected hands - If the dealer folds an unprotected hand, the player does not get back the bet placed up to that point. Exception: A player has raised and his raise has not yet been paid by anyone. In this case, the player receives his raise back.
- Compulsory attendance - Players who are in a hand must remain in their seat. A hand may be declared void if the player is not at his seat during a hand.
- Changing tables - A player is not permitted to move to another table without permission from the floorman. In principle, a player may at any time request to be placed on a waiting list for another limit or another variant. If a table change is made in the same variant at the same limit, the full table stake must be brought into play at this table. The floorman is responsible for deciding whether and when a player may change.
- Deck of cards - The deck of cards can be changed at any time by the management or its representative. A player may not request a new deck.
- Game variants - All Texas Hold'em and Omaha games have variants of the game procedure.
- Double Board: The croupier deals two boards, each consisting of "Flop", "Turn" and "River". The pot is divided equally between these "boards".
- Flip: Each player bets an amount equal to the limit before the game and the croupier deals the "board" without another round of betting and there is an immediate "showdown".
- Bomb Pot: Each player bets an amount equal to the limit before the game and the croupier gives the "flop" without another round of betting and the game continues normally after the "flop".
Must Move - the Must Move rule is used to protect the main table. The following rules apply to Must Move tables:
The Must Move order is drawn at the beginning and/or corresponds to the waiting list
Any new player who registers for the same limit will be placed on the waiting list and must start at the Must Move table.
If a seat becomes available at the main table, the first player on the list will be asked if they wish to move. If the player says no, the next player in the order is asked and if everyone says "no", the first player must move to the main table.