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Tournament Rules

General Rules

  1. Poker Manager / Tournament Management - For the Poker Manager and his/her representative, consideration of fairness and the best solution in the interest of the game has the highest priority. Situations that are not mentioned in these regulations will be decided by the management or their representative in an appropriate manner and taking into account the circumstances. In the interests of fairness, exceptional circumstances may mean that a rule is not interpreted in its true sense. The decisions of the Poker Manager or his/her representative are final.                                                                                                                                       
  2. Player Obligations - Players are expected to confirm their registration details and seat assignment, protect their cards, clearly state their intentions, follow the course of the game, act when it is their turn to act, defend their right to act, ensure that their cards are visible, stack their chips correctly, and keep their cards in the correct position, stay at the table during a hand, speak up when they realise a mistake, change tables immediately when asked to do so, respect and abide by the rules, and generally contribute to the orderly running of the tournament.
  3. Language at the table - Only German or English may be spoken during the play of a pot.
  4. Official terms - For the various actions, simple, unambiguous, internationally standard active announcements such as bet, raise, call, all-in (betting all chips), raise pot (only for pot-limit variants), complete or passive actions such as fold or check are to be used. The use of non-standard announcements or gestures is at the player's own risk, as this may lead to a decision that was not intended by the player. It is the player's responsibility to clearly state their intentions.
  5. Electronic devices - The use of mobile phones, tablets, laptops, other electronic devices or objects during the hand will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The player must leave the table to make phone calls. Each player may place various devices next to the table. However, the game may not be interrupted or disturbed under any circumstances. In principle, the tokens and cards of the guests must be visible to the other players and the staff at all times and the game must run smoothly. Filming and streaming is not permitted and must be authorised by the tournament management.
  6. Deals - In principle, deals are permitted in every tournament, provided they do not violate the rules of the game. All deals will be officially announced and must be made directly at the final table.

    Players have a maximum of 10 minutes to discuss a deal and come to a decision. If no agreement is reached, the tournament continues.

    The players involved should not leave the final table during the negotiations. However, they may take one person with them to assist in the negotiations.

    The players are also free to agree a deal to end the tournament immediately.  If you wish to continue playing, the following rules apply:

    10% of the remaining prize pool, prior to the deal, must be played for.

    The casino will ensure that all necessary information is recorded and the deal (Independent Chip Model (ICM) or Chip Chop (CC)) is calculated. A printout is then made, which must be signed by all players involved. The level time is set at 15 minutes for regular tournaments and 10 minutes for turbo tournaments.
  7. Game variants - All TEXAS HOLD'EM and OMAHA games have variants of the game procedure.

    a) Double Board: The croupier deals two boards, each consisting of "Flop", "Turn" and "River". The pot is divided equally between these "boards".

    b) Flip: Each player bets an amount equal to the limit before the game and the croupier deals the "board" without a further round of betting and there is an immediate "showdown".

    c) Bomb Pot: Each player bets an amount equal to the limit before the game and the croupier / croupière deals the "flop" without a further round of betting and the game continues normally after the "flop".
  8. Cancellation of a tournament - The tournament management or the management reserves the right to cancel a tournament or to change the schedule at short notice.

Seating order in the tournament

  • Seat assignment – Seating in the tournament is assigned by drawing lots based on the anticipated number of players.    Additional tables may be added by tournament management at any time. If possible, these tables will be closed first. Tournament management has the right to change the seating arrangement in order to accommodate players with special needs or to balance the number of players at the tables at the beginning of the tournament
  • Cancellation of a tournament - The tournament management or the management reserves the right to cancel a tournament or to change the schedule at short notice.
  • Sold-out tournament - All purchased tournament tickets are guaranteed a seat until the end of the first level (1) of the respective tournament. Players who are accredited for a tournament up to the start of the tournament but do not receive a seat instant, will be reserved for a seat in the tournament in the order in which they arrive at the floorman (first come, first serve). These players have priority over players arriving after the start of the tournament and re-entries. Re-entries are equal to new players and will be ranked with them according to the time of their registration with the floorman. All accreditations before the end of late registration have the opportunity to participate in the tournament, even if late registration has already ended.
  1. Identification - For tournaments lasting several days, all players are required to identify themselves with a valid photo ID when resuming tournament play.
  2. Compulsory attendance - Players who are in a hand must remain in their seat. A hand may be declared void if the player is not at his seat during a hand.
  3. Re-buys - No player wishing to re-buy may miss a hand. If "Re-buy" is announced, the player undertakes to carry out the re-buy.
  4. Re-entries - Playing guests who have already played in the tournament have the opportunity to buy into the tournament again. The duration of a re-entry is determined by the tournament organizers before the start of the tournament and ends in any case when the prize money ranks are reached. Playing guests who have bought in again will receive the complete starting stack.
  5. Breaking tables - Playing guests who come from a broken table take over the rights of this seat on the new seat. It is possible to get into the small blind, big blind and on the button. The player does not receive a hand if he sits between the button and the small blind.
  6. Balancing - If the tournament accreditation is closed, the game is interrupted at tables with fewer than four players. Floor staff will balance players with the remaining tournament tables. Players always take the worst position, but never the position of the small blind.


Tournament procedure

  1. Consideration - Guests are obliged to show consideration for the game and their fellow players, even if they are not playing. They are not permitted to pass on information about active or folded cards, to analyse the game or to announce a guest's hand before the showdown. Players are obliged to protect their hand, which may not be seen by anyone.
  2. Button - The button is determined at the start of the tournament when an additional tournament table is opened and when the tournament resumes by drawing the highest card at a table.
    1. Dead Button - All events are played with a so-called dead button. Dead button means that the button will not be continued due to the elimination or addition of a player between the small blind and the button position.
    2. Heads-up button - In heads-up, the small blind is always in the position of the button and starts the first action. As soon as a heads-up situation arises, the button must be positioned in such a way that no player must post the big blind twice in succession.
    3. Incorrect button - If the dealer button is incorrectly positioned for whatever reason and this is only noticed after two active actions (call, bet, raise, re-raise or all-in), the game continues and the button is moved clockwise. If the incorrect position is discovered before the decisive action, the hand is declared invalid and the position of the button is corrected. A game can no longer be declared void after the flop.
  3. Start of play at the table - Play at a table is only started when there are three or more players.
  4. Big blind ante - All tournaments are played with a big blind ante. The big blind ante is also maintained in heads up. If a player in the tournament does not have the required amount for the big blind and the ante, the big blind is paid first and then the ante.
  5. Chip race - Each player can win a maximum of one chip of the next highest value. Two to three minutes before the break and the chip race, the chip leader(s) begin(s) to change the chips of the other players. The chip race always starts in first place, with first place being dealt completely before second place receives cards and so on. No player can be eliminated by the chip race. If a player only has one chip left and loses it, he receives a chip of the lowest value, which is still in play. The odd chips of each player at the table are used for the chip race. Rounding is always done commercially. The chip leader should be present at the chip race, the other players do not have to be present.
  6. Colour-up - In order to ensure flexibility and maintain the flow of play, the tournament management can exchange low-denomination chips for higher-denomination chips at any time to reduce the chip quantity. The player must be present in person at the colour-up.
  7. Odd chips - In split pots, the player with the worse position always receives the odd chips (non-divisible chips). In stud games, the odd chips go to the high card with the highest colour value. In Omaha/Stud 8 or better variants, the pot is split up to the chip with the lowest value in play. If an odd chip remains at the end of the first split, it goes to the high hand. If an additional odd chip remains from the split for the low hands, this goes to the player in the worst position.
  8. Chips, counts and cards - Each player is obliged to keep his cards visible at all times. Every player should be able to assess the opponents' chips, which is why they must be stacked in clearly organized piles. A stack is usually defined as 20 chips stacked on top of each other. Tokens with the highest value must be visible at all times. The players are only entitled to an exact count of the actual stake and only receive an exact count of all the opponent's chips if the opponent is all-in. The cards of each guest must be placed permanently visible to other players and casino staff on the table.           
  9. Changing seats - If a player is asked to change his seat, the chips must be visibly transported and the new seat must be taken immediately. If the big blind is deliberately missed, a penalty will be imposed.
  10. Pack of cards - The pack of cards can be changed at any time by the tournament organizers or the floor staff.
  11. Discarded hands - A hand is always considered folded if a player discards his cards face down with a clear forward movement (also out of sequence), if the cards are deliberately opened by the player himself in the course of a possible active action (bet, raise, re-raise or call) or if they touch the cards already discarded. Under certain circumstances, the floor staff can bring a hand that has been inadvertently folded back into play. However, the hand must be clearly identifiable.
  12. Contradictory hands - The right to challenge a hand expires with the start of a new hand. A new hand always begins with the cutting of the playing cards.
    1. The floor staff may not collect a winning hand that has already been revealed and was obviously a winning hand. Patrons are required to assist the floor staff in judging exposed hands if they believe a mistake has been made. An erroneously dealt pot must be dealt to the rightful winner in this sense.
    2. If the staff kills an unprotected hand, the player is not entitled to any compensation and does not receive his previous bet back. Only if a player has raised himself and no other player has called will this player receive his raise back. However, if the raise was called, the player can be eliminated from the tournament.
  13. Side pots - All side pots must be dealt separately. Pots are not mixed together before splitting. Players may not touch the pot under any circumstances.
  14. Time - After an acceptable time has elapsed for a guest to make a decision and the tournament organizer has been called to time the game, the guest has one minute to make a decision. The last 10 seconds are counted down loudly. If no decision has been made, the hand is dead. Any player who deliberately delays the game will be penalized. In turbo tournaments, the thinking time is 30 seconds including a countdown of five seconds.
  15. Multi-day tournaments - To avoid delays, the following procedures apply to multi-day tournaments: In the last seven to fifteen minutes of the last level, the tournament director stops the clock. A player then draws a card between three and five to determine the remaining hands of the day. After the tournament director announces the remaining hands to be played, they will be played at all tables.
  16. Hand For Hand - This rule comes into effect before the prize money places are reached. As soon as the tournament organizer announces a hand for hand phase, all tables play the current hand to the end and then pause. As soon as all tables have finished the current hand, a new hand is dealt and a new wait is made until all tables have also finished this hand. This process is repeated until the prize money ranks are reached due to the elimination of one or more players.
    1. All-in - If an all-in is announced and called during the hand for hand phase, the clock is stopped and the croupier also stops the game at this table and at the same time asks the players not to reveal their cards yet. The all-in table interrupts its game until all other tables have finished the current hand. As soon as this is the case, the tournament staff go to the all-in table and ask the croupier to continue the showdown. If an all-in has been announced and called at several tables, the game is interrupted at all these tables. Once the current hand has been completed, the all-in tables will finish their showdown one after the other.
    2. If two or more players finish the tournament in the same hand at different tables, these players share the final tournament place.
    3. If two or more players are eliminated in the same hand at the same table, the higher chip total at the beginning of the hand determines the placement of these players in the tournament.
  17. Final table - The seats at the final table are drawn at random, as in a re-draw. The position of the button is also redrawn. It may happen that a player has the same position as in the last game. Depending on the type of tournament, the final table is always played in tournament mode +1. (for example 6-handed, the final table starts with 7 players). However, there is a maximum of 9 places.
  18. Heads-up - In heads-up, the button always has the small blind and the big blind receives the first card. As soon as the heads-up situation arises, the button must be positioned in such a way that no player has the big blind twice. As soon as there are only two players left in the tournament, the level duration is automatically halved. The big blind ante is also used in heads-up. 



  1. New level - When the time limit for a round has expired and a new round is announced by the floor staff, the new limits apply to the next hand. A new hand always begins with the cutting of the cards.
  2. At the seat - Each player must take their seat at the table as soon as the croupier has dealt the last card to the button. If a player is not at his seat at the end of the deal, the croupier immediately removes that player's cards from the game.

    a. ) In Stud games after the last card revealed before the first betting round. 

    b. ) In order to request time, a player must be seated.

  3. Misdeal - A misdeal occurs when:

    a.) Two or more additional cards have been dealt,

    b.) No cards have been dealt to a player,

    c.) The first or second card has been turned up, If two or more active actions (bet, call, raise, re-raise, all-in,...) have already been made by the time the mistake is realised, the faulty hand is declared invalid and the game continues as normal. A game can no longer be declared void after the flop.

  4. Pot size - In No Limit variants, the croupier does not provide information about the size of the pot at any time.
  5. All-in - If a player is all-in, he must remain in his seat until the game is over.
  6. Bets / actions in and out of sequence - If a player acts out of sequence and calls with an insufficient bet because he has not noticed a raise, he must complete his bet or lose all claims to his bets and the pot. A raise is no longer permitted. The FLM/LGS/Floorman can impose a penalty for repeated actions that do not correspond to the proper course of the game.

    If a player makes a forward movement with chips towards the pot area that could cause another player to act, he may be forced to complete the action. The betting line is a visual guide but is not binding. The amount must be bet in one continuous movement without returning to the chip stack

    If a player acts out of turn, their verbal and physical announcements or actions are only binding as long as the previous betting situation has not changed. A check, call or fold does not count as a change.

    The FLM/LGS/Floorman will impose a penalty for repeated actions that do not correspond to the normal course of play.

    Statements regarding the value of the hand are not binding. Deliberately false statements can be penalized.

    The discarding (passing) of hole cards out of sequence will be penalized.

  7. Raise - In Pot and No Limit variants there is no limit to the number of raises. The minimum raise is always as high as the previous raise. In split limit variants, three raises are allowed per betting round. If there are only two players left in the game before a third raise is made, the number of raises is no longer limited. In Pot and No Limit variants, there are three ways to make a valid raise.

    a. ) The amount must be bet in one move. 

    b. ) The amount is announced before betting. 

    c. ) The player announces "Raise", bets the exact amount for the call and then the raise in one move. If a player moves an uncounted amount of chips towards the pot, it can be decided that the bet is the sum of all these chips. If a player bets a large number of chips, the chips are only counted by the croupier when the bet is called or the croupier is asked by a player to count them. If a player opens the betting round in Stud variants in the lower limit although a pair is open and a raise by the lower limit occurs, the same player who opened the betting round can raise by the upper limit.

  8. Higher chip - If a player places a bet with a chip that is larger than the previous bet, this is only a raise if he also announces it. The announcement "Raise" must be made before the bet is placed. The raise corresponds to the value of the chip.

    If a player bets two 500 chips with blinds of 300 - 600 before the flop or after a previous lead without announcing, this only counts as a call, although it is two chips. If "Raise" is announced, but a higher chip with a value greater than that required for a call is bet, but this does not indicate the amount of the raise, then the raise corresponds to the amount of the permitted maximum (in pot limit variants) up to the maximum value of the chip. If a raise is to be made with a higher chip, this must always be announced before the chip is moved towards the pot. After the flop, a bet with a higher chip without an announcement is always counted as a bet of the full value of the chip. In pot limit variants, a higher chip with the announcement "Raise" is always counted as the maximum permitted raise. Unless a raise has previously been announced, the reaction to a bet of several chips of the same value is considered a call if the removal of one of these chips results in the required call amount being undercut.

    An example with blinds of 200/400: If player A bets 1,200 (a raise of 800) and player B puts two chips of 1,000 into the pot without announcing a raise, this bet is considered a call. If player B had bet four chips of 500 each, this would be a raise to 2,000 (another 800). If a player bets four chips of 1000 each with a previous betting sequence of 800 / 1600 / 2400 / 3200 without announcing, this is not a raise to 4000, but only a call on the last bet of 3200.         

  9. Incomplete raise - If a player bets 50% or more than the previous raise without an announcement, but less than a complete raise, this action is considered a raise and he must supplement his bet to the minimum raise. If it is less than 50%, the action is only counted as a call. An all-in bet that is less than a full raise does not reopen the betting round for those players who have already acted. Betting a chip of greater value than the previous bet is only a raise if this is also announced. The "raise" announcement must be made before the bet is placed.
  10. Showdown - In principle, showdown means that all hole cards are always placed on the table face up and recognizable to other players and the croupier. The player who made the last active action (bet, raise, re-raise or all-in) must start the showdown. If a player lays his cards face down in the showdown with a clear forward movement, they must be collected by the croupier and are always considered folded. If, after the croupier has called for a showdown, only one player claims the pot (the other player or players fold), this player wins the pot without a showdown. Playing guests who do not claim the pot or playing guests who have no opponents with a valid hand do not have to show their hand. Unless they are asked to do so by the floorman due to suspected collusion. The winning hand must show all hole cards or all seven cards.

    a. ) Verbal announcements - The cards played are binding. Verbal statements about a guest's cards are not binding, but the tournament staff may, at their discretion, impose a penalty for intentional miscalls.

    b. ) All-in - As soon as a player is all-in and all bets have been placed, all cards are revealed. If a player inadvertently discards their hand before the cards have been turned face up, the tournament staff has the right to put the cards back into play if they can be clearly identified. Players who deliberately discard their cards in an all-in situation may be penalized.

    c. ) Side action - If several players are playing for the main pot with an all-in player, all players playing for the side pot in the showdown must also show their cards. If an all-in player is playing for one or more pots, no side pot player may fold their cards at the showdown. The croupier is instructed to show all hands.

    d. ) If an obviously winning hand is mistakenly folded by the dealer after the showdown, it can still win the pot. In the interests of fairness, all players are requested to report a misunderstanding or an obvious mistake to the dealer immediately. The complaint must be made immediately before the next game has started, after which no correction is possible as the course of the game can no longer be tracked.

    e. ) In order to be entitled to a share of the pot, a player must open his hole cards when "Playing the Board".

  11. Showing hole cards / discarded hands - If a player shows one or more of his hole cards before the end of the hand or the showdown, his hand is passive, but can also be declared invalid in the interests of fairness to other players. Intentional unauthorized opening of the hole cards during a game is punishable by a penalty. A hand is considered folded (discarded) if a player opens at least one of his hole cards in order to deliberately obtain a reaction from other players before declaring an action. If a player shows his hole cards to another player, he must show them to all players on request ("show one - show all").
  12. Bounty chip - If a bounty chip is used in bounty tournaments, this chip only has the value of the bounty amount. The betting of the bounty chip does not count as a bet or all-in.

Etiquette and penalties

  1. Breaches of etiquette - The tournament management reserves the right to exclude participants from the game in the interests of the organizer and all guests in the event of breaches of etiquette. Examples include touching other people's cards or chips, delaying the game, deliberately making false statements, acting out of turn, revealing hole cards during an ongoing game or improper behavior.
  2. Obligation of playing guests - Playing guests are obliged to protect other playing guests in the same tournament. For this reason, players may:

    a.) Not reveal active hands at any time.

    b.) Not give advice or criticize before the action has finished.

    c.) No Comments on a hand that is not exposed or discuss strategies with a spectator or fellow player.

    d.) No Consult with an outside contact person.

  3. Collusion - Poker is an individual game. Soft play (deliberately passing chips to another player), rabbit hunting (continuing to turn over common cards after a game has ended), angel shooting (gaining an advantage through unfair tactics) and collusion are generally prohibited and will be penalized.
  4. Foul language - Insulting other players, tournament staff or venue staff will not be tolerated. Foul, obscene or insulting statements against fellow players or staff will be penalized. Repeated indirect foul, obscene or offensive language may result in disqualification from the tournament.
  5. Penalties - Penalties are generally imposed by the Poker Manager or the Tournament Director and may result in a verbal warning, a missed hand penalty or disqualification. The penalty may be single or multiple. During a missed hand penalty, the player concerned must leave the tournament area for the duration of the penalty.

    All tournament participants must behave politely and respectfully in all tournament areas during the event. Any participant who notices inappropriate behavior towards other participants should immediately report this to a tournament staff member. This includes - but is not limited to - players whose personal hygiene or state of health affects other players at the tables. The decision on the extent to which an individual's personal hygiene or health affects other players will be made by the tournament staff.



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