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A maximum of 48 pairs play for a prize pool of 9,600 euro (with 48 pairs). You can play with one ticket of 200 euro per pair.

We are delighted to invite you to the popular Sunday Watten at Casino Innsbruck.

DATES: Sunday, February 16, 2025
                 Sunday, April 27, 2025
                 Sunday, September 14, 2025
                 Sunday, November 16, 2025

TIME: Admission from 14:00 hrs | Start at 15:00 hrs
PLACE: Casino Innsbruck

A maximum of 48 couples play for a prize pool of 9.600 euros (for 48 couples). You can play with one ticket of 200 euros per couple. The prize pool is paid out at 100%.

The game is played according to the Watter rules of Casinos Austria with the mode “Watch” on a Bummerl. The preliminary rounds are played in group matches, everyone against everyone. The final rounds are played in a knockout system.

The pairings will only be ranked after registration by telephone on +43 512 587040 212 and payment of the ticket price to the following account:

Casino Innsbruck
IBAN: AT35 1919 0000 0015 0706
Subject: Watten name player 1 & name player 2

We look forward to your participation and wish you good luck at the Sunday Watten!